Conference Schedule

The schedule below is current as of April 25, 2024.

Monday, June 3, 2024 
7:00am - 3:00pm Exhbitor Set-up
7:00am - 5:00pm Registration / Help Desk Open
9:00am - 12:00pm

Half-Day / Full Day Pre-Conference Concurrent Workshops

Proof is in the Pudding: Proactive Integrated Assessment Practices to Maximize Learning for All Learners (All Audiences)
Presented by: Terri Flateby

PART 1: Many Paths to Justice: Actionable Strategies for Transforming Assessment Practices through an Anti-Racist Lens
Presented by: Erin Milne and Divya Bheda

12:00pm - 1:00pm Lunch Break (Boxed lunch will be provided to both full-day or two half-day attendees.)
1:00pm - 4:00pm

 Half-Day / Full Day Pre-Conference Concurrent Workshops

Using Logic Models to Organize and Track Student Learning (All Audiences)
Presented by: Sheila Bustillos, Samuel Williamson, and Shafayat Islam

Potions! Puzzles! Pumpkins! Using Engaging, Hands-On Activities to Transform Faculty Development and Assessment Research (All Audiences)
Presented by: Faon Crystal and Carrie Pinchuk

Assessment Basics: Starting or Rebooting an Assessment System 
(Assessment Directors/Coordinators of multiple programs new to the position or to the institution)
Presented by: Fiona Chrystall, Kathleen Gorski, and Constance Tucker

Transforming assessment data from Canvas for PowerBI Visualization (Experienced Professionals)
Presented by: Frederick Burrack and Brad Regier

PART 2: Many Paths to Justice: Actionable Strategies for Transforming Assessment Practices through an Anti-Racist Lens
Presented by: Erin Milne and Divya Bheda

4:00pm - 5:00pm Community Service Activity
5:00pm - 6:00pm 1st-time Attendee Welcome Reception
6:00pm - 8:00pm Welcome Reception
Tuesday, June 4, 2024 
6:00am - 7:00am Yoga
7:00am - 5:00pm Registration / Help Desk Open
7:30am - 9:00am Continental Breakfast
8:30am - 9:30am


Thinking with A.I. and the Future of Assessment
Presented by: José Antonio Bowen, Ph.D., F.R.S.A.

9:30am - 5:00pm Exhibit Hall Open
9:30am - 9:45am Break
9:45am - 10:45am

60-minute Concurrent Sessions

Exploring Principles of Leadership in the Context of Academic Leadership for Program Assessment
Presented by: Aaron Zimmerman and Kevin Hemer

Trailblaze Your Way to Transformation: Traversing Diverse Landscapes of Institutional Culture
Presented by: Kathleen Gorski, Fiona Chrystall and Moreen Carvan

Transforming Professional Identify: Traversing the Path into and through Retirement
Presented by: Claudia Stanny and Patricia Gregg

Navigating Identity by Bridging Institutional and Programmatic Assessment
Presented by: Anthony Marziliano, Brittany Dotson-Lazar, Karen Pennacchio and Marc Gillespie

Empowering Culture Change: Integrating Faculty Development and Assessment Through Active Learning Course Redesign
Presented by: Katie Burr, Megan Mittelstadt and Leah Carmichael

Bigger is... Better? Let’s Talk About Assessment at Large Institutions!
Presented by: Katie Burr and Deenene Brewer

Traversing Obstacles to Engage, Drive, and Discover an Assessment Management Solution
Presented by: Jeremy Tutty, Maryellen Ohrnberger and Suzanne Carbonaro

Assessment Integration with Curriculum and Instruction: Results of a National Survey
Presented by: Yuerong Sweetland, Art Hernandez and Terri Flateby

10:45am - 11:00am Break
11:00am - 12:00pm


AI Literacy: Prompt Assessment Tasks
Presented by: José Antonio Bowen, Ph.D., F.R.S.A.

12:00pm - 1:30pm Lunch Break: On Your Own
1:30pm - 2:30pm

60-minute Concurrent Sessions

Traversing Assessment, Strategic Planning, and Budgeting
Presented by: Pamelyn Shefman

Equity-Driven Assessment: Transforming Campus Culture and Accreditation Practices at HCC
Presented by: Carlee Ranalli

Grand Challenges in Assessment: Leveraging Data Vizualization to Support Data Informed Decision Making
Presented by: Amy Svirsky and Becky Croxton

Enhancing Assessment and Maximizing Student Learning: An Exploration of Adapting Program Theory and Implementation Fidelity
Presented by: Terri Flateby

Transforming data into decisions: Using assessment data to drive change
Presented by: Ryan Chung, Kelva Hunger, Paola Sainz Sujet and Cat Bertucci

Demonstrating Proficiency: A Guide to Creating a Common Dispositions Assessment for Candidates in Colleges of Education
Presented by: Timothy Melvin

Refocus, Rethink, Retain: The Path to Assessment
Presented by: Kameron Lunon

2:30pm - 2:45pm Break
2:45pm - 4:15pm

90-minute Concurrent Sessions

Just sit right back and you'll hear a tale...a tale of SUCCESSFUL co-curricular assessment
Presented by: Deirdre Heistad, John Ophus, Heather Asmus and Andrew Burr

Assessing student learning in higher education: Integrating assessment into curriculum and instruction with implications for accreditation, evaluation, and communication
Presented by: Yuerong Sweetland, Art Hernandez, Terri Flateby, Karla Hardesty and Rebecca Gibbons

Mapping the Program Review, Evaluation and Accreditation Trail through Essential and Systems-thinking Approaches
Presented by: Jeremy Hughes, David Fuentes and Sterling Richards

Transform your assessment practice: Using a novel learning outcomes assessment framework to guide curricular change
Presented by: Sarah Jacobs and Kirstin Moreno

Trailblazing Culturally and Linguistically Inclusive Approaches to Assessment of Oral Communication Skills
Presented by: Ann Glazer

Traversing Familiar Assessment Landscapes, Transforming Field Guides: Equity-Mindedness at Every Stage of the Assessment Cycle
Presented by: Kara Moloney and Erica Bender

Helping Traverse the Landscape of Equity-Minded Assessment: AALHE’s DEI Committee Introduces a New Field Guide
Presented by: Karen White-Goyzueta

Learning Improvement Facilitator Training (LIFT)
Presented by: Yao Hill, Pamela Tracy, Becky Lodewyck, Bryant Hutson, Kelsey Kirland, Tressa Aulenbach and Linda Townsend

 4:15pm - 4:30pm  Break
 4:30pm - 5:00pm

30-minute Concurrent Sessions

You’ve Got Assessment Data—Now What? Helping Faculty/Staff Traverse the Rest of the Improvement Cycle
Presented by: Courtney Glazer and Elizabeth Vogt

Measuring Sense of Belonging to the University: A Mixed-Methods Approach
Presented by: Kayla Loper and Amber Manning-Ouellette

Building upon challenges: Facilitating effective program self-review
Presented by: Frederick Burrack and Brad Regier

New Frontiers in Program Assessment: Transforming Buy-in through Faculty-driven Rubric Design
Presented by: Kristoffer Rees, Allison Chatterjee, Trish Davis, Vicky Gavin and Sara Spalding

Enhancing General Education: Building a Three-year Assessment Cycle for Reliable Data and Continuous Improvement
Presented by: Yan Cooksey

Data Review Day: An Innovative Approach to the Systemic Review and Reflection of Assessment Data for Program Improvement
Presented by: Amanda Sugimoto, Shanté Stuart McQueen, Shaheen Munir-McHill, Kevin McLemore, Michael J. Smith, Lindsay M. Vik and Steve Micke

6:00pm Networking Dinner Cruise
Wednesday, June 5, 2024 
6:00am - 7:00am Yoga
7:00am - 5:00pm Registration / Help Desk Open
7:30am - 9:00am Continental Breakfast
8:00am - 5:00pm Exhibit Hall Open
8:00am - 9:30am Accreditors Panel
9:30am - 9:45am Break
9:45am - 10:45am

60-minute Concurrent Sessions

Assessment as activism: stories and case studies on how to catalyze change.
Presented by: Divya Bheda

Bridging the Gap: Unifying Teaching Excellence and Curriculum Cohesion
Presented by: Will Miller

Traversing the assessment continuum: Transforming a traditional assessment model to capture PhD program outcomes
Presented by: Laura Aboyan

Place-Based Assessment at Tribal Colleges and Universities (TCUs): From Compliance-based to Mission-driving
Presented by: Kayla Stewart and Rebecca Garvoille

Are you measuring what you think you’re measuring: An analysis of alignment between Blooms’ Taxonomy and Measures Utilized
Presented by: Coral Bender

Addressing equitable outcomes through data access and awareness
Presented by: Lauren Schlesselman and Diego Valente

10:45am - 11:00am Break
11:00am - 12:00pm

60-minute Concurrent Sessions

Empowering Transformation - Assessment Integration, Process Simplification, and Lessons Learned
Presented by: Cassandra Jones and Deborah Grubb

Building bridges for change: Using relationship-centered outreach to improve programmatic assessment
Presented by: Lawrence Williams and Sarah Jacobs

A collaborative process to establishing program learning outcomes at a Canadian University
Presented by: Megan Lochhead

A Collaborative Approach to Developing a Teacher Competencies Rubric: Lessons Learned & Future Plans
Presented by: Amanda Sugimoto, Cynthia Lam Moffatt and Kevin McLemore

Enhancing Excellence: Navigating Through Quality Assurance Systems and Authentic Assessment Practices for Process Improvement
Presented by: Laura Lundquist

Transforming Theory to Practice in Graduate-level Student Affairs Assessment Courses
Presented by: Katie Burr and Annie Carlson Welch

12:00pm - 1:30PM Volunteer Luncheon (Invite only)
12:00pm - 1:30PM Lunch Break: On Your Own
1:30pm - 2:30pm

60-minute Concurrent Sessions

Strategic Integration: Maximizing the Impact of a Title III Grant
Presented by: Jolene Hamm and Crystal Hall

Traversing Together: Acknowledging and Celebrating the Journey of Minority Serving & Minority-Identifying Assessment Professionals (MSAPs)
Presented by: Karen White-Goyzueta, Sesime Adanu, Joel Farrell and Constance Tucker

Examination of how ChatGPT Changes the Process and Product of Undergraduate Student Writing
Presented by: Roger Taylor and John Regan

Seeking Improvement Through Meta-Assessment: Using Topic-Modeling to Facilitate Continuous Improvement
Presented by: Lissette Tolentino and Maria Leite

Assessment Dynamics: Navigating Between “Proof of” and “Improvement in” Learning
Presented by: Will Miller

Faculty leadership in assessment through leadership positions and shared governance
Presented by: Lauren Schlesselman and Diego Valente

Traversing the Scene of a Collaborative, Institution-Wide Assessment Initiative
Presented by: Ryan Chung, Kelva Hunger and Kaitlynn Holcomb

Grand Challenges in Assessment: Improving the measurement of student learning in context—formative assessment, multiple choice exams, co-curricular and experiential learning.
Presented by: Jessica Taylor, Chadia Abras, Elizabeth Carney, Rene Schmauder and Suzanne Carbonaro

2:30pm - 2:45pm Break
2:45pm - 3:45pm
SAAL/AALHE Presidents Panel
3:45pm - 5:00pm Poster Sessions / Happy Hour
5:30pm - 10:00pm Networking Excursions
Thursday, June 6, 2024 
7:00am - 12:00pm Registration / Help Desk Open
7:30am - 9:00am Continental Breakfast
8:30am - 9:30am

Past Presidents Panel

Grand Challenges in Assessment: A look through the past, present, and future of the project
Presented by: Jessica Taylor

9:30am - 9:45am Break
9:45am - 10:15am

30-minute Concurrent Sessions

An Exercise for Collecting and Organizing Evidence of Continuous Improvement
Presented by: Kathy Kremer

Conceptualizing Assessment Amidst the Advent of Alternative Credentials: A Preliminary Application of an Established Quality Assurance Model
Presented by: Yuerong Sweetland

Leveraging assessment inflection points as a means for positive culture of assessment change
Presented by: Coral Bender

Leveraging Feedback to Build an Assessment MVP
Presented by: Chris Willis

Synergies in Action: Integrating Learning Assessment and Learning Improvement
Presented by: Adesola Ogundimu and Justin Habash

Triple Flipped Assessments: The Implementation of Innovative, Authentic and Motivating Assessments at an Academy in the U.A.E.
Presented by: Dr. Fatima Bailey and Dr. Ted Purinton

"A la Carte" Classroom Assessment: Transforming Learning Using UDL Principles
Presented by: Jamie Mahlberg

10:15am - 10:30am Break
10:30am - 11:00am Closing Session / 2025 Conference Reveal